Smile Jenny, You're Dead

Smile Jenny, You're Dead 1974

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David Janssen (The Fugitive) portrays dogged detective Harry in the telefilm that was the second of two pilots preceding his memorable Harry O series. Among the highlights: young Jodie Foster as Liberty, the wise-beyond-her-years homeless waif Harry befriends.

  • Released: 1974-02-03
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • Genre: Crime, Drama, TV Movie, Thriller
  • Stars: Andrea Marcovicci, Jodie Foster, Tim McIntire, Zalman King, Clu Gulager, Martin Gabel, Barbara Leigh, Victor Argo, Ellen Weston, Chet Winfield, David Janssen, Harvey Jason, Howard Da Silva, John Anderson
  • Director: Jerry Thorpe