The Angry Silence

The Angry Silence 1960

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When the union in his factory walks out on strike, a family man refuses to participate, risking the wrath — and retaliation — of his fellow workers.

  • Released: 1960-03-10
  • Runtime: 96 minutes
  • Genre: Drama
  • Stars: Richard Attenborough, Pier Angeli, Alfred Burke, Geoffrey Keen, Laurence Naismith, Russell Napier, Penelope Horner, Brian Bedford, Norman Bird, Beckett Bould, Edna Petrie, Lloyd Pearson, Norman Shelley, Alan Whicker, Bernard Horsfall, Roger Maxwell, George Murcell, Gerald Sim, Marianne Stone, Noel Hood  Show all >
    Tony Doonan, Frederick Peisley, Michael Lees, Dolores Mantez, John Charlesworth, Redmond Phillips, Michael Raghan, Deering Wells, Graham Rowe, Roland Bartrop, Daniel Farson, David Jarrett, Marilyn Green, Stephen Lindo, Irene Barrie, Karal Gardner, Piers Keelan, Jessica Spencer, Ronald Hines, Oliver Reed, Eve Eden, Brian Murray, Bernard Lee, Michael Wynne, Michael Craig
  • Director: Guy Green